Heat Pumps Articles

Available Tax Credits for Geothermal Heat Pumps in 2025

December 31, 2024
Emotional euphoric young mixed race woman giving high five to biracial husband, celebrating family achievement, getting bank loan approval, winning online lottery, feeling amazed together at home.

Now is a great time to invest in systems, as homeowners can still take advantage of federal tax credits to offset their installation costs.

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What is a Heat Pump?

November 15, 2024
Grandmother and mother kissing son.

Heat pumps are much more efficient, using up to 50 percent less energy than furnaces or baseboard heaters, according to the US DOE.

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Transitioning Your Heat Pump

October 17, 2024
Transitioning Your Heat Pump. Close-up of black full inverter heat pump outside in the garden

One reason Ohio homeowners love heat pumps is they function as an all-in-one unit. Instead of purchasing and maintaining a separate furnace and air conditioning system, you can simply transition your heat pump from the heat setting to the cooling setting and vice versa as seasons warrant.

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Why Choose a Variable-Speed Heat Pump?

December 21, 2023
Why Choose a Variable-Speed Heat Pump? Image is a picture of woman texting in front of a window. Outside is snowy.

Choosing the right heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system for your Ottawa, OH, home is crucial to ensure comfort, energy efficiency, and cost-effectiveness.

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Air Conditioners Versus Heat Pumps

June 9, 2023
Image of a heat pump. Air Conditioners Versus Heat Pump.

In some ways, heat pumps have an edge over the traditional combination of a furnace and central air conditioning (AC) unit. However, no two households are the same, and each option has its pros and cons.

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4 Factors to Consider When Buying a Heat Pump

March 10, 2023
Image of a heat pump. 4 Factors to Consider When Buying a Heat Pump.

So you are looking to invest in a heat pump. You are not alone––many Americans are making the switch.

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Heat Pump Versus Furnace

November 29, 2022
Image of three thermostats connected to different HVAC systems. Heat Pump Versus Furnace.

Looking to install a new heater in your Findlay home? Your two most popular choices are a heat pump and a furnace. Each one has advantages and disadvantages when compared to the other.

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Three Reasons to Consider a Geothermal Heat Pump

September 30, 2022
Blog Title: Three Reasons to Consider a Geothermal Heat Pump Photo: mother and baby son in autumn window

Geothermal heat pumps use the constant temperature of the earth for their heat transfer medium instead of the outside air temperature as air-source systems utilize. Speak to one for our Knueve & Sons heating and cooling professionals about the different geothermal heat pump options available.

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4 Important Heat Pump Maintenance Tips

February 11, 2022
4 Important Heat Pump Maintenance Tips

How often do you schedule a maintenance visit for the heat pump in your Kalida home? Taking proper care of your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system is the best way to ensure it will function efficiently and reach its full service life potential.

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Why Is My Heat Pump Freezing Up?

January 31, 2021
Winter landscape seen through the window

Our team at Knueve & Sons regularly gets calls about frozen heat pumps. Though common, a heat pump freeze-up usually means your system’s components are not working correctly. Sometimes you can fix it yourself. But oftentimes, you will need to call a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) professional, like us, as the problem may require a part replacement or complex repair.

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How Can I Get My Heat Pump to Last Longer?

March 12, 2019
Father and daughter staying cozy in their Kalida

Caring for your heat pump requires effort, but is quite manageable if you get into the habit of it. A heat pump’s lifespan is reliant on several factors…

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Why Is My Heat Pump Making Loud Noises?

February 11, 2019
Young man in bed with eyes wide opened suffering insomnia

Heat pumps can be expected to make some noise, but unusually loud noises probably point to a problem. Here are five heat pump noises to keep an ear out for:

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How Do I Know When I’m Using My Heat Pump’s Electric Heat?

December 18, 2017
throwing away dollar in trashcan because they are unknowingly using the heat pump's electric heat.

How do I know if I’m using my heat pump’s auxiliary electric heat all the time and costing myself a lot of extra money? Heat pumps are highly efficient, but they can be confusing as well.

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Heat Pump vs. Furnace

November 7, 2017
Children's feet warming at a fireplace sitting down in living room: A heating decision needs to be made: heat pump or furnace?

Looking to install a new heater in your home? Your two most popular choices in Kalida, Ohio, are a heat pump and a furnace. But which one to choose?

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